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4e One Year Later Tome Show Podcast

by Mike on 10 June 2009

Last week I was one of a handful of guest bloggers who had the opportunity to discuss the past and future of D&D 4th Edition with James Wyatt and Chris Perkins of Wizards of the Coast on The Tome Show, 4th Edition - One Year Later. Listen in awe as I break James Wyatt down into a long pause followed by a very audible sigh of despair after my stumper of a question.

One of the best tips I heard came from Phil from Chatty DM where he described his six to eight session mini-campaigns that let his players explore different characters more often than longer campaigns. I may try this myself after we finish the current series of published adventures.

Enjoythe podcast!

The other bloggers and their related articles on this podcast can be found below:

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